Star wars 3 lego cheats
Star wars 3 lego cheats

star wars 3 lego cheats

LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Cheats.

star wars 3 lego cheats

WRITTEN FOR THE ORIGINAL RETAIL/STEAM VERSION OF THE GAME. Press start and go to extras and select New Code. This can unlock characters and red bricks. But remember, make rollercoaster’s price at least $2.50 or more, depending on the When your building a park, rollercoasters are the best rides to start off with.They bring in the money, they please the guests, and they can have long enterence line to keep guests in. 00 apiece for them, and make some extra money. Score modifiers are your friend: Aim to get the red bricks which unlock each one, and have all of the ones you've unlocked on at once.Destruction Derby 2 Cheats, Pc The Floating Boats Cheats For Rollercoaster Tycoon On Pc On some of the rollercoasters you can add an On-ride photo section under special track designs. Use the force to pick a Super Battle Droid up. Submitted by: Samuel-IGN Use The Force on Battle Droids

star wars 3 lego cheats

  • Wedge Antilles - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Destroy Malevolence.
  • Vader's Apprentice - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Defenders of Peace.
  • Tusken Raider - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Hostage Crisis.
  • Stormtrooper - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Liberty on Ryloth.
  • Rebel Commando - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Lair of Grievous.
  • Qui-Gon Jinn - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Storm over Ryloth.
  • Princess Leia - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Battle of Geonosis.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV) - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Jedi Crash.
  • Luke Skywalker - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Weapons Factory.
  • Lando Calrissian - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Shadow of Malevolence.
  • Imperial Guard - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Castle of Doom.
  • Han Solo - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Duel of the Droids.
  • Greedo - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on The Hidden Enemy.
  • Darth Vader (Battle Damaged) - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Ambush!.
  • Darth Vader - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Legacy of Terror.
  • Darth Sidious - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Geonosian Arena.
  • Darth Maul - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Rookies.
  • Clone Shadow Trooper - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Blue Shadow Virus.
  • Chewbacca - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on The Zillo Beast.
  • Captain Antilles - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Innocents of Ryloth.
  • Boba Fett - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Grievous Intrigue.
  • Admiral Ackbar - Collect all 10 Minikit pieces on Gungun General.
  • Perform the following actions to unlock the Minikit characters for purchase in the store.

    Star wars 3 lego cheats